Dr. John Zeisel is an internationally known expert on dementia care and treatment innovations. He has published research related to the needs of seniors and those with cognitive issues, including post-secondary evaluations and policy research studies. John’s work in planning and managing the environment for persons living with dementia led to lower rates of anxiety, aggression, and apathy, less dependence on medication, and fostered engagement and involvement by families and caregivers. His active leadership and industry involvement has resulted in award-winning design and planning guidebooks, successful housing developments, award-winning prototype facilities, and books and articles used internationally by developers, designers and service providers. He founded and served as CEO of Hearthstone Alzheimer Care where he used his experience and insights over the years to create the I’m Still Here approach, the principles of which underpin the Foundation’s programs.
John Zeisell is the founder of the I am Still Here Foundation which we support at Memory Lane TV>
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